Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Taxes are one of the most hated aspects of life in this country. They are followed closely by accountants, who are also hated, but are sort of a subsection of the whole idea of "taxes." Imagine, if you will, how much better it would be if your accountant was represented by a Mii? A happy, three dimensional avatar who did your taxes for you?

Of course, not everyone uses an accountant. Some would prefer to do it themselves, and I'm sure the Wii could accommodate that. One could just put in how much they make, and point and drag various exemptions to their account. Wii Tax make everything about taxes better. No more W-2, no more Line F, no more incomprehensible tax forms. 

Unfortunately, I can see some serious problems with the Wii Tax System. Unfortunately for the rich, I doubt Nintendo will create "Tax Pwiiparers" who would be willing to create hidden accounts and "charities." "Tax Wiivasion" is just not such a catchy name. Also, the do-it-yourself idea has serious risks. Wrist injuries could inevitably follow those who get too carried away with their taxes. And those who don't put on the wrist strap could easily damage property in the heat of the moment. 

Nevertheless, Wii Tax seems like a great, exciting way to fund the government's need for useless big ticket items for us, the taxpayers. I hope the government will see the light and embrace it.

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